Whiskey Creek was built in late 2019 & finished off in early 2020. The team behind the cabins are Lisa and her daughter Holly. With sustainability and eco-friendliness being their passion, they have designed a space that opens your eyes to the simple luxury of off the grid living.
We were lucky enough to chat with the Mother and Daughter duo behind the Whiskey Creek Cabin to chat about their cabins, sustainability and their beautiful Waikino community.

Hi Lisa and Holly, thanks for taking the time to chat with me! Firstly, can you please tell me about Whiskey Creek Cabin and how it all came about?
We wanted to create an off-grid space because we’re really into being as eco friendly as possible. We didn’t have the best experience with the company that put the cabins together but everything worked out in the end and it is all our thoughts, our heart and soul!
What makes your cabins special to you?
We want to live there haha! We’re a mum and daughter team and our family is very much a rural-living type family.
Community is important to us here at smartass. Being based in the beautiful Waikino, what are some of your favourite things about your community?
Our little community is very open and keen to help each other. We have a little school very close that does ‘nature days’ every week for the kids, it has chickens & it just shows off the beautiful little area we live in.

We are proud to have amazing customers like yourself using our smartass TP! What made you decide to use our tree-free toilet paper in your cabins?
We love that we can order it wrapped in bright colours for the accommodation or unwrapped for our homes. We have done multiple things in our accommodations to fit in with our eco-friendly values like using only Natural Paint and oils to treat the cabin wood, organic hand soap by Second Nature Botanicals, using a composting toilet & using your fabulous toilet paper was only fitting!
I love seeing that sustainability and eco-friendliness is your passion! For that reason, I think our values align well. Why are sustainability and eco-friendliness important to you?
We’re rural people, we’ve always loved the land and animals so making our accommodation eco-friendly was just a no-brainer for us.

On your days off from work, what are your favourite things to do?
Lisa has horses, so horse riding is where it's at for her! I have two pet cows down the road where we live, the most spoilt cows in town haha. We spend most of our time on each other's properties hanging out with all the animals or making stables, cow scratch posts, gardening and just generally working around our properties.
If our readers are interested in booking a cabin from you, what is the best way to go about this?
Guests can get hold of us by emailing us at bookings@whiskeycreekcabin.co.nz or visit our website www.whiskeycreekcabin.co.nz